SharePoint Assessments

Our assessment phase applies to both existing SharePoint users seeking an overall “health check” as well as those considering a SharePoint implementation.

The Trident Solutions SharePoint Readiness Assessment and Roadmap is customized to each organization. As indicated, it may consist of the following assessments:

· Infrastructure, Hardware, Configuration and Disaster Recovery

· Active Directory, Security and Permissions

· Governance Strategy

· Document Storage and Archiving

· Content Management and Search

· Development Standards and Practices

· Performance Optimization

Assessment deliverables may include:

· A customized roadmap for a SharePoint implementation

· Identification of key business drivers and desired outcomes for SharePoint initiatives

· Identification of potential business process improvements using SharePoint.

· Greater awareness of SharePoint capabilities and their role in the enterprise

The Trident Solutions Assessment Process

Mindful of clients’ unique requirements, Trident Solutions employs an overall assessment process that accommodates methodology variability at each step. Our business analysts begin the process by understanding how your organization functions, learning where your “pain points” are and identifying where your management team sees the greatest potential for greater productivity and efficiency.

Process steps may include:

· Review current IT infrastructure including network topology, security, and system resources.

· Assess licensing requirements.

· Determine if out-of-the box SharePoint functionality addresses business issues sufficiently and, if not, recommend third-party commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) applications.

· Prioritize and plan for additional features that are critical to organizational decision making and operations.

· Create a user access needs and privileges list.

· Deploy or upgrade the SharePoint installation.

· Customize and style the SharePoint deployment to include efforts to make it feel familiar to employees, increase ease of use, or keep branding consistent.

· Develop a training plan for new users.